
How Did Irshad, from one of Singapore's Top Schools, Top his Additional Maths Class?

Hailing from a top school in Singapore is not an easy challenge. Coupled with advanced teachings, students are also expected to rise above the competition from peers who are not just highly driven but also equipped with rapid critical thinking skills.

How then did Irshad outperform his peers to get first in his school class for this 80 marks A.Maths test?

1. Challenges concepts by probing into teachings i.e. what if graph is for a separate equation? How will the graph look like? What happens if we are dealing with a different value? Can this be done differently?

2. Achieves progress in a step-wise and patient manner i.e. learns basics first, and then intermediate concepts and then tries more advanced assignments.

3. Follows advice and methods and does not stray from it without reasoning. Irshad knows what works, listens well and is able to implement his learning in a systematic manner.

​In Mathematics, there is a large component of critical thinking and a larger component of putting in consistent effort to achieve success.

We are Proud to be Your Maths Coach !

Great effort Irshad, Keep on Striving and Continue to Rise Above the Challenge !

​Irshad's Recent Results with  90% for A.Maths

​Irshad with Coach Irfan